Middle School Civics

$ 825.00

A foundational, middle school-level course in citizenship, government and politics to help students learn how to start understanding the world around them, news events and how to meaningfully engage in making change.

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Students spend the school year learning about good citizenship, building community, foundations of government, political systems, media influence and civic involvement using Oak Meadow’s Civics course curricula as a spine for the class. This full year course of middle school social studies is a hybrid course with in-person class meetings once/week for 1.5 hour with additional work done between classes.

Middle School Civics

In-person class Thursdays, 12:45-2:10pm with approximately 1-2 hours of homework between class meetings.  (Parents may opt to enroll in our Flex Work Session/s to contribute toward completing–or complete–work done outside of group class time)
Registration is for the 2025-26 school year (28 weeks).

Required Materials
  • 1-1/2″ to 2″ 3-ring binder.
  • Pencil case with:
    • 2-3 typical (non-colored) pencils
    • Pencil sharpener with a COVERED blade (one that captures it’s own shavings and keeps blade from being exposed)
    • One highlighter (any color is fine)
  • Technical ability to access Zoom, EdPuzzle, FlipGrid, Discovery Education Streaming, Study.com and Canvas
Time Required Outside of Class
Approximately 1-2 hours/week homework depending on your student’s abilities and the content of the week.  Students will always have a piece of content to read and prepare for and regularly working on ongoing projects assignments assigned and accessed through Schoology (our learning management system).  On weeks without a directly assigned task, they may need to be working on a longer term/ongoing assignment.

Is This Level a Good Fit for My Child?
The key points in knowing if your aged 10+ student will be well-suited for this course will be whether they are: 1) able to deal with their opinions being challenged in a respectful manner; and 2) ready to start contributing meaningfully to discussions about decision-making with an open-mind that can take a situation and/or others input and evaluate it rather than simply tossing it aside because it doesn’t fit their existing mindset.  We will be discussing landmark court cases during the course of the year.

If you feel your child would be challenged, but not completely overwhelmed and able to manage in a group respectfully, with questions and assignments like this rather than stumped, then your child would be a good fit for this course.  If you are unsure, please contact us to discuss further.







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Semester, Full Year