If your question doesn’t appear here or in the sections of the course descriptions, please e-mail us!

[rara_toggle title=”What are your COVID and/or illness related policies?” status=”close”]We expect students with obvious signs of illness (cough, runny nose, fever, strong exhaustion, loss of sense of taste and/or smell) should keep their children home and notify the instructor.

For in-person classes, students will be subject to all current IDPH recommendations at the time.


[rara_toggle title=”What is the difference between a co-op and a coschool? And which are you?” status=”close”]A co-op or “cooperative” is an environment where every family involved carries some responsibility for producing the results  some teach, some do administrative tasks, some do other things for the common good but everyone has a share of the burden and everyone has a share of the results  Coooperatives or co-ops exist for all kinds of endeavors–not just education-related.

A coschool is an organization that partners with the homeschool community to help supplement their education needs.  Participating families may or may not be required to comtribute to the overall results.


[rara_toggle title=”Are parents required to volunteer?” status=”close”]At this time, there is no parent commitment, but we would love your help if you are willing as our organization grows.  It’s a community!


[rara_toggle title=”What is your refund policy?” status=”close”]Please see our Terms and Conditions page for more details.[/rara_toggle]

[rara_toggle title=”What is your cancellation policy?” status=”close”]Please see our Terms and Conditions page for more details.[/rara_toggle]

[rara_toggle title=”How do I determine my child’s placement level?” status=”close”]Each course has a section titled “Is this a good fit for my child?”. That section should lay out the specifics that would affect your child’s success in that course.

If you have a child working at an advanced level, please reach out to us rather than just sign them up for the course you feel they are best suited for.  Our founder has experience with gifted and 2E learners and can help you navigate our courses.  She can set up a time to speak more about your family’s needs.


[rara_toggle title=”How often will my class meet?” status=”close”]Each class meets once each week unless otherwise specified. For 2023-24, high schoolers have an option for a study hall type of homework period available with their instructor available to help. Check the schedule for each class.


[rara_toggle title=”Are these classes enough to be my child’s language arts/writing/science/etc. class for the year?” status=”close”]For high school classes, it is assumed that student families are committing to the number of at-home work hours in the course description and as a result, those courses will be fully transcriptable credit unless specified otherwise (as in Math Lab).  Amount of credit is listed on the schedule and in the course description.  Syllabi are reviewed every year against academically rigorous high schools in the area to ensure we are on-par with their student body.

For middle school, that will be hard for us to answer because everyone’s desired level of rigor will differ as will everyone’s idea of what constitutes “enough” and what kind of work product is indicative of having met your requirement.  Middle school courses are designed to be sufficient to prepare students for public or private high school entry at the end of a 3-year middle school cycle.

At the elementary level, classes do not offer additional rigor for families that would find our courses “not enough”.  [/rara_toggle]

[rara_toggle title=”Is there space for my toddler to play or my other children to be?” status=”close”]Currently there is not an appropriate place for toddlers.


[rara_toggle title=”Is there quiet space for me to work or for my other child(ren) to do their schoolwork in quiet?” status=”close”]For 2023-24, please contact us about this so we can better understand the needs to answer this question.


[rara_toggle title=”Is there a kitchen?” status=”close”]Our current space does not have a kitchen.


[rara_toggle title=”Are you planning to expand?” status=”close”] YES!  If you know of any dynamic instructors committed to project-based learning, creativity and critical thinking OR if you’re aware of opportunities for larger space (approximately 2,000 square feet with private bathrooms for student safety) in our immediate area (see the gray portion of the map – with preference to places closest to our current location) we would love to hear from you!


We are also partnering with Prairie Paideia Learning Center  to structure our offerings in a way that enable our homeschool students to continue attending courses the community has always enjoyed as partial enrollments of the private, full-time, non-profit organization.



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